Ran across this simple one-page site for Demi Lovato: http://www.demilovato.com. In truth, I think this is a much too simple site for someone with multiple albums who debuted #2 on Billboard - but it is a good example of a one page site. This really just serves as a collection point for various feeds, including YouTube vids, Facebook comments, and flickr pics. all of the main media is served - and it is collected in one space via a domain name that (ideally) the artist controls. So - while not putting a huge investment in a website, she is training fans to come to her domain - and her domain places well in search engine optimization. This lays a good foundation for traffic should she create a more robust site or online campaign down the road.
Unfortunately - this is not a very good site for creating a fan relation - it looks doubtful that the artist is even aware this site exists - probably administered by a flunky within Disney somewheres - but at least the info is collected in a central locale.